Sterling Solutions is a consumer-operated nonprofit organization in San Bernardino County California that engages in workforce education, training and advocacy initiatives to increase and enhance wellness and recovery for mental health consumers.
We work to strengthen and diversify mental health service providers, develop meaningful consumer employment pathways and advocate for all aspects of consumer empowerment.
We conduct and facilitate linkage to trainings, and workshops for a range of mental health occupations in San Bernardino and Riverside County California. We educate consumers and families about their rights under the Mental Health Services Act and encourage and facilitate consumer and family participation in the community program planning process.
Sterling Solutions program goals are to:
Increase the quality of wellness and recovery for mental health consumers
Providing productive and meaningful vocational activities for consumers
Facilitating career pathways for mental health professionals, paraprofessionals and peers
Advocate and work to improve the systems and services that affect the quality of mental health wellness and recovery.
Our Staff and Board of Directors
Vickie Mack
Executive Director
Jeff Mack
Board Member
Rhea Turner is an addiction counselor at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California. She has a Master's degree in addiction studies and psychology.
Board Secretary
Rhea Turner
Marcella Anderson
Board Member
Mayra Carrera
Board Member
Our Belief & Values
Sterling Solutions is a nonprofit organization dedicated to community spiritual, psychological and physical integrity.
Founded and operated by mental health consumers, we believe there is a plan and a purpose for every life regardless of its present challenges and that anyone with a desire to contribute should not lack meaningful opportunities to do so.
We believe in synergistic relationships where the strong open doors and create opportunities for others in a culture of support and collaboration.
We believe mental health peers provide the expertise of lived experience that form bonds of trust - trust that creates hope and encourages the first step of the journey on the pathway to recovery.
We believe the passion of those who choose to make helping others their life's work should be encouraged and wholly supported - educationally, vocationally, financially and in the principles and practices of agency and community settings.
People are the most precious resource. The best communities are rich with opportunities for all.